Saturday, January 22, 2011

I can admit

Ok I know that we should all be open minded and unbiased.....but its hard sometimes....I do try really hard....I just have a low tolerance for self induced stupidity (people who make themselves stupid by being stupid) not stupid people who just dont know any better....ok this is how I see it....there are people who just never really learned common sense and then there are the ones who are really really intelligent but let greed block the brain signal which allows a person to make reliable and responsible judgements based on what is truly acceptable in the world of "Hello what the fuck are you thinking".....AKA normal society if that even exists is an example....a person driving 60 in the left lane when the speed limit is clearly 65 talking on the cell phone while eating a bowl of soup....I think she left the important part of herself back at the waffle house and what I really want to do is hit the gas and ram her with my truck so that she drops her cell phone, spills her hot soup on her $80 jeans and looks in the morror and realizes that she made some very "STUPID" getting into her car for one....people like that should just stay home....or die! Her greed allowed her to make those choices based on the mirage that she was the only person on the highway at 1:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday....really....I have mastered the highway brake check also for people who believe that wherever it is that they have to go is way more important than everyone else on the they apparently must drive 85.....tailgate me and honk when I am already going 72 so that I can hurry ups and pass the dillhole in the slow lane swerving around in his lane cause he cant find whatever it was he dropped on the floorboard of his then they honk at me....curse me....flip me off cause I dont want a ticket for instead I tap the brakes and make them think that they are going to crash into the back of me....this works especially well when they give the oh shit look as they realize that they are way too close to my rear bumber for comfort....or then there is the lady that thinks she is badass cause she is driving her husband's bad ass huge truck lifted with the huge wheels and the chrome and the stereo that is up so loud that not only does she forever injure her children's tiny eardrums from the amount of base pumping out of her amplifier....but she doesnt hear the firetruck coming from a distance instead of getting over off to the side like non stupid people do she tries to light a cigarette while driving and ends up rearending a car in front of her that was doing the right thing and pushes that car in front of an oncoming truck killing the children in that car. Or the ladies in Walmart on black friday that trample an old lady when the store opens cause their greed has driven them to clearly act like an animal

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